The Heron Fund 501(c)(3) is the Proud Sponsor of Juanita School for Girls in Jungle, Kenya
Juanita School Kenya 2024 Update Video
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Our latest news will be posted in this section. Please check in with us regularly to make sure you are up to date with everything that is happening at The Heron Fund. Click on any article below to read more information and view pictures.
Congratulations Class of 2024
Our second ever candidate class has just graduated following the end of the 2024 K.C.S.E. examinations. We are proud to call the group of 32 students the Juanita School Class[…]
Read moreJuanita School Celebrates 5th Annual Founder’s Day
Juanita School celebrated its 5th Annual Founder’s Day on February 24th 2024. This was our annual day of thanksgiving and celebration to commemorate 4 years years since the school started. Juanita[…]
Read moreWishing Pioneer Class of 2023 Success
We would like to wish the Juanita School Pioneer Class of 2023 success in the upcoming KCSE examinations. May God bless the work of your hands as you start the[…]
Read moreJuanita School Students Attend Symposiums
It has been a busy last few weeks at Juanita School as some of our students have been able to attend national level symposiums at different schools to showcase their[…]
Read moreJuanita School for Girls New Dormitory Plea
Juanita School Kenya 2022 Update Video
It has been almost 3 years since the opening of Juanita School. This update video shows how far we’ve come and where we’re heading. Archived – 2022
In 2021, according to the Kenya National Examinations Council, Kenya graduated 1,179,192 8th grade students. Graduates, 500,000 of them, do not have a high school to attend. These young girls cannot afford school fees or no school is available.
Girls, because they have no future, suffer from depression and are sold into sex trade or turn to alcohol or drugs. Girls are left without hope and about 11% commit suicide. These students to not have a parent, church or convention to speak for them. They are a lost generation, without hope!
The Heron Fund is a Proud Supporter of Juanita School for Girls!
Where we Rescue Children and Change Lives!
And make Disciples!
Juanita School for Girls is a boarding school with 98 students. Prior to attending Juanita School for Girls, the students had been living in a mud house without electricity or running water and their bed was a dirt floor covered by a goatskin. When they came to Juanita School, they slept on a mattress for the first time and they have their first shower. They love the shower so much, they don’t want to get out and the teachers have to say, “Times Up.”
The girls range in age from 13 to 19 years old. Before attending the school, some of the girls had been tending to goats by tying a rope around the goat’s leg and anchoring it to a wooden steak. As the goat eats all the grass, the steak is moved to another location. This is their life.
Juanita School opened in January 2020 but the Pandemic hit in March and the students were sent home for the balance of the year. The first candidates graduated in December 2023 and are now back in the society with the necessary skills to pursue higher education or find employment.
In 2021, we added 10 computer work stations with internet. The students had never seen a computer. Internet was a miracle! Juanita School is in a remote area and there was no way to get a sick child to a doctor, grocery shop, or go to church. We bought a bus and transport is now available. We also added a science lab. When the girls graduate, they are self-supporting and prepared for a job, trade, or a scholarship at a Kenya University. A future is born.
In addition to their regular studies, the students work the 10 acre farm. The farm grows corn, beans, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, and host of vegetables. They also have chickens, rabbits, sheep, goats, cows. ducks and turkeys. We train the girls that with a hoe and one acre of land, they can become a commercial farmer. They learn farming and how to cook what they raise.
The Heron Fund
P.O. Box 425,
5323 Highway N, Cottleville, MO 63338
Juanita School Kenya 2021 Update Video
This is a video showing the current progress at Juanita School. We now have 23 students at the start of the 2021 school year where they are getting an education to help them achieve their goals.
Sponsor a Student at Juanita School
For only $100 a month or $1200 a year, you can choose to sponsor a student and support her as she continues to get a secondary education at Juanita School. You can see our students and some of their background information by clicking here.
Support Juanita School’s Boarding Furniture
We want to provide Juanita School’s students with a safe and secure place to board as they continue to learn. As more students join Juanita School, we will need dormitory furniture like beds, mattresses and bedding for them as they stay in the school’s hostels. It costs $150 for a bunk bed to be made and welded right on the school grounds. You can read more about the boarding furniture project by clicking here.
Support Juanita School’s Farm Project
On the way to a self-sustainable school, Juanita School students eat what is grown on the Juanita School farm. We are growing corn (maize), beans, spinach, kale and other fruits and vegetables. We also have some farm animals like goats, chicken, and rabbits. You can support Juanita School’s Farm by choosing to buy a chicken, rabbit or a goat. Read more about the farm project by clicking here.
Join us in this Campaign…
Our Partners
Calvary United Methodist Church
6 Franklin Street, Lawrenceville, PA 16929, US
First Baptist Church
301 Taylor Kizer Street, Lexington, AL 35648, US
Rock Church
15101 Manchester Road, Ballwin, MO 63011, US
Inspiranza Designs
107 N Main Street, Columbia, IL 62236, US
First Baptist Church
7894 Dittmer Rd, Dittmer, MO 63023, US
Berean Word Ministries
1580 Ascot Ter, Florissant, MO 63033, US
Jim and Claire Stiegemeier
Magnolia Real Estate
3320-1 Rue Royale, St. Charles, MO 63301
Richard Deitte
American National Insurance
5976 Howdershell Road, Suite 213, Hazelwood, MO 63042
W.A.T.C.H. Church
Arnold, MO, US
Mari De Villa
13900 Clayton Rd
Town & Country, MO 63017
Potosi Community Baptist Church
10193 Riverton Rd, Potosi, MO, US
Calvary Chapel Festus
Festus, MO, US
Sanctuary Fellowship Church of St. Louis
St. Louis, MO, US

Grace Presbytarian Church
6308 Highway N, St. Charles, MO, US

Christ Covenant Church
3465 Shackelford Rd, Florissant, MO, US
Soul Harvest Church
4568 Church Rd, House Springs, MO, US 63051
Shawnee Hills Baptist Church
1204 Brandom St. Jackson, MO 63755
Morse Mill Baptist Church
6955 State Hwy B, Dittmer, MO, US 63023
First Baptist Church O’Fallon
1111 E Hwy 50, O’Fallon, IL 62269
First Baptist Church of Delta
591 N Liberty St. Delta, MO 63744

The Sandie Hea Team
8081 Manchester Rd, Brentwood, MO, US 63144
Precision Chiropractic
2952 Dougherty Ferry Rd. St. Louis, MO 63122 US