Location: St. Charles, Missouri

Farm at Juanita School continues to Flourish

Farm at Juanita School continues to Flourish

With the heavy rains currently in Kenya, the farm at Juanita School is logged with water but the plants are still doing well despite that. Juanita School is built such that it will be a self sustaining school and we hope this farm right next to school will provide the necessary food for the students instead of having to buy food from the market.

We have planted foods of various kinds from maize(corn), beans, spinach, kale, tomatoes and all other kinds of fruits and vegetables which will sustain Juanita School when the students start arriving next month. A reminder that the school’s grand opening day is on the 14th of January, 2020 and that you can visit the official school website at juanitaschool.org

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