Location: St. Charles, Missouri

Latest News

Update from Juanita: We have more desks and more chicks

Hello all, just an update since the last: We have reached 105 chicks/chicken this week plus three turkey chicks. Praise be to God. One goat gave birth to a girl last week. We have added two more rabbits as all the animals continue to thrive. 20 new student desks were delivered today as well as…
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We have a new school stove – Update from George Hutchings

On February 24, 2020, we were visiting Juanita School for Girls, in Jungle, Kenya. We had the morning off so we went to see orphan elephants in an elephant orphanage farm in Nairobi. Jeremiah Gibbs had told me that the school needed a wood burning stove. I asked how much it would cost and he…
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Kenyan Students Learning Materials Now Available Online

The Kenyan Ministry of Education has recently made several learning materials available online for all students. Students and teachers can go the official teachers website at teacher.co.ke and download the materials available…

richard deitte

New Partner: Richard Deitte

The Heron Fund has a new partner in Richard Deitte from American National Insurance. You can reach Richard at his phone number (314) 895-4106.

Jim Stiegemeier

We Have a New Partner

read on if you like a HAPPY STORY… We met George in a coffee shop a few years back He shared his vision for a Christian school that is self supporting…

New Board of Trustee Member

The Heron Fund has a new trustee member, Sharon Mayen from Washington University.

Students Go Home After Covid-19 Updates

With the recent Covid-19 developments in Kenya, there are now three individuals who have tested positive of the coronavirus in the country. As per the instructions of the President of Kenya, all learning institutions will be closed indefinetely therefore students of Juanita School will be going home on Monday the 16th of March for an indefinite period. Please…
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Juanita School Grand Opening Goat Eating Celebration

This past week, on the 25th of February 2020, together with two pastors and a camera crew, one of our board members, George Hutchings, visited Juanita School[…]

Juanita School is Up and Running

Juanita School opened its doors on January 14th and we now have 16 students attending Form 1. As per the Kenya Ministry of Education Curriculum, each student is taking 12 courses which are: English Kiswahili Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Geography History Christian Religious Education (C.R.E.) Computer Studies Business Studies A choice between Agriculture or Home…
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Farm at Juanita School continues to Flourish

With the heavy rains currently in Kenya, the farm at Juanita School is logged with water but the plants are still doing well despite that. Juanita School is built such that it will be a self sustaining school and we hope this farm right next to school will provide the necessary food for the students…
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