Juanita School June 2022 Newsletter

Juanita School for Girls June 2022 Newsletter

Where We Rescue Children and Change Lives!
Juanita School's Student Population Has Doubled
We recently admitted 36 new 9th grade students meaning that the student population has almost doubled. While we provide these students with a secondary school education, they still need to eat and the food budget has just doubled.

For only $20 a week, these girls can have enough food to eat while they continue their education. They grow the beans and corn right on the Juanita School’s farm. They even cook the dinner and do the dishes!
Check out the Juanita School Farm

While some of the students take care of the vegetables on the farm, others are usually taking care of the farm animals also found at Juanita School. They have rabbits, chicken, goats, cows, and turkeys. When ready, these farm animals also feed the students. The school’s milk provision is also from the cows, which the students milk themselves!

Students Do End-of-Semester Tests
The students are doing their end-of-term examinations before they go home for a short break. They started the exams with practical tests in Biology, Physics, Computer Studies, and Home Science. With the science laboratory and computer labs available at the school, these tests were possible and all students are able to get hands-on experience with the material they learn in class.

Inspirational Visit to Juanita School
On June 11, Juanita School students welcomed a very special guest. Irene Kendi is a youth and gender expert, mentor, and inspirational speaker who was invited to speak to our students. Irene shared her story with the students about her life’s journey of brokenness, breakthrough, loss, and restoration. She told the students to be thankful for the chance at an education which she herself had struggled to get at an early age.
She also donated a few copies of her book, “Carving of a Firebrand,” which can be found at the school’s library for any student to read.

We appreciate Irene Kendi for taking the time to share her story. She is an inspiration to our students and many others.
Christine Lotone Loote's Story

Christine Lotone Loote was one of the original 16 students in Juanita School when it started back in 2020. She was a jovial student of high integrity and hard work. She was able to find a place to live and learn at Juanita School but that did not last long.
She only managed to get to 10th grade before her parents sold her off into a marriage at the age of 17.
Without Juanita School, this would be the fate of most of our students. We are proud to be able to give these young girls a secondary education. We are sad about Christine but we hope that her story inspires us to do and be better.
Time to Celebrate!

Four years ago, on a trip to Kenya Mercy did me a favor. Her job was to make up rooms at the Airport 67 Hotel where I stayed. I had dinner with a friend who needed a room. But the Lodge was full.
Mercy overhead our conversation and said, “I know a room!” The occupants had moved out, the room was empty, but not made up. She alerted the manager, but he turned her away, disinterested. She made up the room, presented it to the hotel clerk and my friend had a room.
Mercy took imitative, overcame obstacles, and showed compassion. During the week we had opportunities in the dining room to chat and I saw she had more to offer life than make up beds.
We exchanged contact information and upon returning to America, she wrote me an email. The hotel fired her because she had to take time off for a funeral. Life is hard in Kenya. Miss a day, they replace you. She did not know where to go or what to do but was hired by another hotel. She examined her life and decided she really wanted to be a teacher. She had a university degree in hospitality, but it was not taking her anywhere.
To become a teacher, she would have to return to university, change her major, and find employment. I was building Juanita School for Girls and employment was a long way off. But we came up with an idea. Jesus has taught me to lay up for myself treasure in heaven….” I decided to make an investment in this young lady and agreed to provide her a scholarship if she would pursue teaching.
She enrolled in Kenyetta University and today is graduating as a qualified teacher in English. Where will she work? Juanita School for Girls has a spot for her starting in July! Congratulations to Mercy!
Rocking Chair Faith - Story By George
It was 1985 and I had just returned home from the hospital after having received many series of electric shock treatments. The doctor told my wife that I would rock in my easy chair and be a vestibule the rest of my life.
Jennifer, my four-year-old daughter came over to give me a hug, but I didn’t know her name. Becky, my wife, entered the room and I did not know her name. Then I realized, I did not know my name. But I knew there was something different about me, I had a God, and he knew my name and somehow things would work out.
As memory was coming back, I started writing down everything I could remember, a journal so-to-speak. I was trying to find out who I was. The shock treatments had erased all my memory.
Someone gave me a cassette tape of W.A. Criswell preaching from Isaiah 40:31 “They who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up wings like eagle wings, they shall run and not be tired, they shall walk and not faint.”
All I could hear was, “They shall renew their strength.” It was like someone pouring water on a dried-up sponge. My soul was taking it in, and faith was being formed I knew I would not be confined to this rocking chair the rest of my life.” I had heard a promise from God.
Then the verse continued, “You shall mount up wings like eagle wings.” The eagle is fast! And the promise was to me that I would renew the strength of my youth. In high school I played basketball and baseball. But, now, I could not walk the width of my yard.
Mike Anthony, a friend from college and seminary, heard of my illness and came for a visit and wanted me to go play basketball with him. I went but could not run the court. When someone passed me the ball, I could not catch it. It would hit me in the chest or hit me in the face. Nobody wanted me on their team! And when playing defense, I would close line the opponents.
But gradually my strength began to return, and I could now run the count, hit my three pointers, and go for the hole! My youth had returned, and God had kept his promise to me.
I became the youth minister at Christ Memorial Baptist Church in Cool Valley, Missouri. I immediately reached out to the youth with a basketball program. I was so white they called me Casper. I was the only white dude on the court and the boys did not think an old cracker could play. So ,I had to beat them at one-on-one and at horse and finally earned some respect. We formed a team and joined a league, and these rag tag players won the first place trophy.