Juanita School March 2022 Newsletter

Juanita School March 2022 Newsletter

This Month's Topic
February 2022 Thanksgiving Day
February was the month of celebration and thanksgiving as we celebrated the 3rd annual Thanksgiving Day at Juanita School for Girls on February 19, 2022.
We had a team from The Heron Fund in the United States attend the event and join the students and parents on the special day of giving thanks.
We gave thanks for a lot of things, but we were mostly grateful for how far Juanita School has come in the past two years.
- Juanita School now has 53 students and 35 new 9th grade students are expected to enroll in May.

Pastor Allan David made a return visit to Juanita School after attending the previous 2 Thanksgiving events.

New visitors also attended the event and brought with them some gifts for the students. They were very excited to get the new soccer balls.
The day was filled with entertainment and celebrations as the whole congregation enjoyed traditional Kenyan song and dance presented by the students of Juanita School.

Everyone attending the event also joined in the song and dance as guests also had some fun of their own.

The team from the United States enjoyed their time by also getting up and dancing to the music.

Jacinta, the executive director of Juanita School, having a good time with some students and teachers during the event.
Overall, the day was successful as the best performing students were also awarded with prizes for their outstanding achievement both academically and in co-curricular activities.
Mercy Kalekye Syanda (pictured), the best performing 10th grade student, receives her prize for outstanding academic achievement.

At the center of it all and making sure everything was running smoothly, were the Juanita School Scouts of Kenya. These students were responsible for making sure all visitors were greeted and shown to their seats. The scouts also hoisted the Kenyan and school flags and sung the National Anthem before the event proceedings begun. It was their job to make sure the event went on without a hitch and they did their jobs splendidly.
Want to be part of the team for next year's event?
You can also be part of the team as The Heron Fund travels (Feb 16-28, 2023) for the annual Thanksgiving event on February 25, 2023.
It is our traditional day of celebration and there will be singing, dancing, speeches, preaching, and our famous traditional Goat Roast!
People are needed who can:
- Teach scripture to the students at Juanita School.
- Musical talent to sing and teach songs to the students or play instruments.
- Anyone with a passion. If you like softball or soccer, come on!. Do you play chess or checkers?
- Nurse or Doctor to teach first aid and come with small stuff such as stethoscope or thermometer.
We will also join local churches to prepare church leaders and pastors with a leadership conference scheduled.
Upon completion of our work, we will drive through Nairobi National Park where you will see lions and other animals. In 2019, we got to see a Lion Kill.